
Thursday, 24 May 2007


I have to be honest and say that I wasn't sure about this whole blogging thing, but, having done it I've actually found it quite therapeutic!

So Rupert and I are doing what alot of people talk about which is to set up your own company and do your own thing.

It sounds great, like moving to the countryside or living in a remote place by the sea, you think it's going to be a scene of tranquil bliss.

At last you can make all your own decisions, there will be no more company politics or restrictive regimes to hold you back. Of course the reality is very different, and suddenly there are a load of other problems that you have never encountered before.

There's no one to support you when you're not sure which way to go, or fall back on if it all goes wrong, and most importantly there's no cheque at the end of the month to scrape you back into the black for at least a few days. But the worst thing of all is just not knowing whether what you are doing will actually work and that is bloody scary!

But there is something that makes it all seem worth while. For years I have had two separate lives, a work one and a personal one. For some reason the job I was doing would make me behave in a different way to the way I was as soon as I stepped outside the office. When you start working for yourself and most importantly doing something that you are really passionate about and really enjoy suddenly you feel as if you can be yourself all the time. There's no need to create another persona for work. Work becomes your life and life becomes work. I know that sounds a bit scary too but it's not it's an amazingly liberating experience and despite the inevitable ups and downs I've never enjoyed working as much as I am now.

So Rupert and I have decided to write our experiences down and hopefully you will enjoy the experience too, along with some delicious real fruit cocktails!


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