
Friday, 25 May 2007

A Campaign for Real Cocktails

So what is it exactly that we have set out to do?

Well we have set out to produce a new alcoholic drink which we believe will give you the opportunity to drink real fruit cocktails in the places you drink, such as pubs bars and clubs for the first time.

Why have we done it?

We had the idea because of a recurring theme every time we went for a drink in a pub or bar with our friends. We'd all walk into a pub and the first question would be, 'who would like a drink?'. Most people would default to a beer or glass of wine but there was always at least one person who wouldn't know what they wanted, at which point one of us would start going through the list of drinks behind the bar.

From talking to more people about this we found that it wasn't just isolated to a few but that it was amazingly common. We also began to understand why people couldn't decide what to drink. It wasn't because they were indecisive and couldn't make their minds but because sometimes there just isn't a drink behind the bar that is alcoholic and really appeals.

One night we were talking about this when one of us said 'what if we could come up with an alternative drink that people really loved? Then there would never be this problem again'!

So we set about trying to find what this drink could be and it wasn't long until we found it, the muddled cocktail.

Muddled Cocktails are cocktails that have real fruit crushed in them by a Muddler, releasing their full flavour, before being mixed with the alcohol and ice. People love muddled cocktails because they're not only alcoholic but they are natural and taste delicious too. But there was a problem, currently you can only get muddled cocktails in cocktails bars where you have to wait half an hour to get served and then pay exorbitant prices for the privilege!

Our mission was simple 'To create muddled cocktails for bars, pubs and clubs' and this is what we came up with....

It took months of development and some serious taste testing, which believe it or not was really tough…. before we came up with our first Muddled Cocktail in a bottle. Each 275ml bottle consists of: Raspberries, blackberries and blueberries which are muddled and shaken together with 100% pure cloudy apple juice and a generous helping of oak barrel aged sugar cane rum.

That means no added water, no preservatives, flavourings or sweeteners but 100% real fruit, with a few bits, and good slug of alcohol, just the way a cocktail should be.

Just like any refreshing cocktail Muddler's is served best ice cold, you know the type your tongue would get stuck to if you licked the bottle. Due to it’s natural ingredients the bottle needs a good vigorous shake to mix them together with the alcohol. (We except no liability for flying bottles if you let go half way through!) Then you take a medium sized glass, fill it full with ice, pop the lid and pour it in. As you do this you can add a swizzle stick and straw that no cocktail is complete without. Finally, there should be just enough left over to have seconds, but not quite enough that you wont be tempted back for another!

Sound good?

Well hopefully Muddler Cocktails and 'The Campaign for real Fruit Cocktails' should be coming to a place near you soon.


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